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Worcester Officials Launch Vision Zero To Combat Pedestrian Accidents

A vibrant view of the Worcester, Massachusetts skyline at dusk, featuring illuminated buildings, a church steeple, and light trails from vehicles on the curved roads below.

Worcester pedestrian accidents reach ‘crisis’ level

Pedestrian accidents in Worcester have reached a crisis point, and officials are scrambling to develop a plan to improve street safety.

Three recent pedestrian crashes prompted the city manager and mayor to declare a “Road Safety and Traffic Violence Crisis.” A child was injured in one of the accidents, while two other crashes involved young adolescents, according to Boston 25 News.

The officials’ plan aims to identify the city’s most dangerous streets and intersections and implement short—and long-term improvement actions. They have called for lowering speed limits, boosting enforcement, and making physical changes to the roads.

Worcester consistently ranks among the highest in the state for pedestrian accidents, with numerous fatalities and severe injuries reported annually. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent real people whose lives have been forever changed.

What causes pedestrian accidents?

Several factors contribute to the high rate of pedestrian accidents in Worcester, including:

  • Distracted driving: With the rise of smartphones and in-car technology, distracted driving has become a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. Drivers who are texting, using a GPS, or even eating while driving may not notice a pedestrian crossing the street until it’s too late.
  • Speeding: Speeding remains a significant problem in Worcester, particularly on major roads like Route 9 and Main Street. Higher speeds reduce the time drivers have to react to pedestrians and increase the severity of injuries in the event of a collision.
  • Inadequate infrastructure: Some areas of Worcester lack sufficient pedestrian infrastructure, such as crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and sidewalks. This can force pedestrians to take risky routes or cross streets in unsafe locations.

We applaud Worcester leaders for taking action to prevent pedestrian crashes. While some improvements might not happen immediately, drivers can do their part to keep people on foot safe:

  • Use extra caution in high-pedestrian areas such as schools and parks.
  • Watch for pedestrians in parking lots.
  • Make eye contact with pedestrians.
  • Never pass stopped vehicles in crosswalks; a pedestrian might be walking across the road.
  • Stay sober behind the wheel and avoid driving while fatigued.

What to do if injured in a pedestrian accident

Being hit by a car and injured in a pedestrian accident is a traumatic experience that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what steps to take next. If you are injured or a loved one dies in a pedestrian accident, you will need to know what steps to take to protect your rights.

If you are injured, seek immediate medical attention. Sometimes, victims don’t realize they have a serious injury. Some injuries, such as internal bleeding or traumatic brain injuries, may not be immediately apparent but can have severe consequences if left untreated.

Report the accident to police to document details of the accident. The report can be used to support an insurance claim. After a pedestrian accident, the driver’s insurance company may contact you to discuss the incident or offer a settlement. While it may seem like they are trying to help, their primary goal is to minimize the amount they have to pay out.

How a Worcester lawyer can help you

Pedestrian accidents can be complex. To ensure your rights are fully protected, contact a Worcester pedestrian accident lawyer for a free consultation. Let the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone help you through the aftermath of a pedestrian crash. We can evaluate your case and help you find the best path forward. If a loved one died in a crash, we can help navigate the legal process. We are skilled at negotiating settlements but can file a wrongful death claim if necessary. Call us today. Tell them you mean business!

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