A tanker truck recently overturned and exploded in a huge fireball in Fall River recently, with state police reporting the vehicle carried some 11,000 gallons of gasoline as it rolled over near the exit ramp at Presidents Avenue. Authorities say amazingly, no one but the driver sustained injuries, and she is expected to survive. The...
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Boston Pedestrian Injuries A Frighteningly Common Risk
Police are investigating a Boston pedestrian accident where four people were hospitalized - including an 8-year-old girl and a 61-year-old woman who police say were struck by a vehicle on the sidewalk. Boston accident attorneys know that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association's 2012 report, there were 58 pedestrian fatalities in the Massachusetts...
Read MoreAre Men With ADHD More Likely To Be Involved in Car Accidents?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a cognitive condition that affects a person's concentration levels, ability to maintain focus on multiple tasks, and often leads to problems with sustained attention and impulsivity. While the disorder is commonly diagnosed during childhood, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that three out of five children...
Read MoreCar Accidents and Neck Injuries: Knowing Your Legal Rights
All types of car accidents happen every day in Massachusetts - from a rear-end accidents on congested streets in Boston or Worcester to a head-on crash in rural Berkshire County. It's no secret that these accidents can leave victims with painful injuries. A recent University of North Carolina study, however, suggests that not only do...
Read MoreStudy Reveals Shopping Cart Accidents, Injuries to Be On the Rise
It's a frightening scenario that parents probably don't think about while pushing a child around in a shopping cart: What would I do if my child is injured while riding in a shopping cart inside the grocery store, in a department store parking lot or after falling out of a child restraint? Product liability...
Read MoreIs There Really a Difference Between “Buzzed Driving” and Driving Drunk?
It's common knowledge that the legal blood-alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers in Massachusetts and throughout the United States is .08. It's also common knowledge that drivers who exceed legal limits are at risk of getting arrested for drunk driving - or worse, causing serious accidents. What many people might not realize, however, is that...
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