In Hartford, New Britain, Norwich, Manchester, New Haven and the Waterbury-area, drivers are not allowed to use handheld cell phones to make calls while driving. Motorists are also prohibited from texting. Public Act No. 05-159 imposed the prohibition on phone use in order to protect motorists from distracted driving. A personal injury lawyer knows that cell...
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New Study: Anti-Texting-While-Driving Laws Linked to Fewer Hospitalizations
The statewide texting ban for drivers in Massachusetts appears to be saving lives. According to a new study, states with strong anti-texting while driving bans are experiencing a drop in the number of hospitalizations for car accidents. In Boston, Worcester, Springfield and throughout Massachusetts, drivers can be pulled over if police see them texting...
Read MoreBoston Drivers Advised to be Cautious Driving in Fog
Throughout Boston, Back Bay, Fenway, North End, South End, Allston, Beacon Hill, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury and surrounding areas, drivers should be aware that driving in fog is one of the most dangerous things they can do on the road. Smart Motorist recommends trying to avoid driving in fog whenever possible and waiting until...
Read MoreZofran Use in Early Pregnancy May Increase Risk of Birth Defects
One of the worst symptoms of early pregnancy for many women is extreme nausea, accompanied by miserable bouts of vomiting, often referred to as "morning sickness." In recent years, an apparent remedy emerged in the form of Zofran, also known as ondanestron and ondanestron hydrochloride, an anti-nausea drug originally designed to help patients enduring cancer...
Read MoreDrowsy Driving – More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving?
Driving while tired or sleep deprived is just as dangerous, if not more so, than driving while under the influence of alcohol. Dr. Nathaniel Watson of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine said recently in a statement: "Drowsiness is similar to alcohol in how it compromises driving ability by reducing alertness and attentiveness, delaying reaction...
Read MoreGraduated Licensing and Teen Collision Risks
Graduated licensing aims to reduce the risk that teens in Boston, Fenway, North End, South End, Allston, Beacon Hill, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury and surrounding areas will become involved in an auto accident after they receive a driver's license. In Massachusetts program has three stages, and parental consent is required for teens under 18...
Read MoreTaking A Closer Look at Boston Rear End Collisions
Crash prevention in Boston, Back Bay, Fenway, North End, South End, Allston, Beacon Hill, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury and surrounding areas is important to avoid life-changing injuries and prevent fatalities. Part of crash prevention involves knowing what the most common types of accidents are and knowing the factors that can increase or decrease the...
Read MoreMassachusetts Motorcycle Injuries, Fatalities on the Uptick
While overall motor vehicle accident injuries and deaths have declined over the last several decades, those incurred by motorcyclists have increased. Fluctuations in ridership are attributed to seasonal variations, gas prices and weather. On a larger scale, though, more people are riding than ever before, and a growing percentage of those riders are older. The...
Read MoreWinter Safe Driving Tips for Boston Motorists
Winter can be a dangerous time of year for drivers in Boston, Back Bay, Fenway, North End, South End, Allston, Beacon Hill, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, Roxbury and surrounding areas. The winter brings with it fog, snow, rain, and icy and wet pavements. A personal injury lawyer knows that these weather conditions can all increase...
Read MoreMassachusetts Liability for Snow and Ice Slip-and-Falls
While it may seem instinctual to "hibernate" during these colder months, property owners in this snowy New England state need to make sure they are aware of the conditions occurring outside their window. In the full swing of the winter season, property owners in Massachusetts are urged to be especially diligent in clearing accumulations of...
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