Seniors may be aware they are getting to the point when they can no longer safely drive. However, many people are reluctant to give up the freedom and independence driving can provide. Studies suggest there are significant consequences for an elderly person who can no longer drive. Family members must ensure they take steps to...
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Evaluating Factors Leading to Pedestrian Hit-and-Run Car Accidents in Connecticut
Hit-and-run car accidents are likely to have serious consequences for victims, as the fleeing driver does not get medical help for those who are harmed. Car accidents with hit-and-run drivers can also make it more difficult for collision victims to be compensated for crash losses, because the victim will not be able to get money from...
Read MoreWill Higher Penalties for Unsafe Truckers Reduce Hartford Crash Rates?
Prevention of truck collisions is essential because truck accidents are often very serious and can cause permanent or deadly injuries. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) rules imposes strict regulations on the trucking industry in an effort to reduce dangerous behaviors likely to result in auto accidents. If truck drivers and trucking companies follow Federal...
Read MoreStaying Safe on Boston Road Trips This Summer
The summer season is a busy time for travel. If you are one of the many drivers who will be taking a road trip over the summer months, it is important you and your vehicle are ready to hit the road. An experienced car accident lawyer knows there are many factors increasing the risk of...
Read MoreTeen Collision Risks Make Hartford Insurance Rates Rise
Parents of teenagers know kids can be dangerous behind the wheel. But just how much riskier is it to have a teenager driving? Insurance companies nationwide, with a business model build around risk assessments, raise insurance premiums an average of 80 percent when a teen is added to an auto insurance policy carried by a...
Read MoreBoston Landlords and Premises Liability Laws
Landlords need to maintain a safe space for tenants and visitors and can be found responsible in a premises liability lawsuit if they allow hazardous conditions to exist and injury results. It is the burden of a plaintiff in a premises liability case to show the landlord should be held responsible for the damages suffered....
Read MoreBoston Drivers Can’t Depend on Technology to Prevent Pedestrian Crashes
Will crash avoidance systems and other in-vehicle technologies help reduce traffic collisions? This is a hotly debated question. One recent video intended to demonstrate a pedestrian accident avoidance system suggests crash rates may not decline and, perhaps, may even increase. An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer knows car crashes involving drivers and walkers often happen because...
Read MoreHartford T-Bone Accident Victims Need Better Safety Protections
In the United States each year, 17,000 people on average are killed or seriously injured while sitting in the far-side of a vehicle involved in a T-Bone accident, according to Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine. A T-Bone accident involves one car hitting the side of another. Passengers sitting on the side struck by the...
Read MoreUnderstanding Boston T-Bone Accident Dangers
Motorists need to be aware of risks faced on roadways so they can make informed choices when looking at vehicle safety features, and so they can drive assertively to reduce their accident risks. An experienced auto accident attorney knows some of the most dangerous and common types of car accidents happen at intersections. Many of...
Read MoreHybrid Cars Are Causing Risks for Hartford Pedestrians
Efforts are being made to require hybrid and electric vehicle makers to install systems in vehicles to mimic routine engine noise. In most cases, these systems involve installing some type of speakers on the vehicle. The speakers point frontward to direct sound ahead of the vehicle, such as the sound of a traditional engine, or...
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