Many people dislike the shift from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time when we "fall back" the clocks every year because it signals the start of a long New England winter. However, there is an even more sinister reason to dislike this change - it comes with an increased risk of car accidents. There are...
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Prevent Boston Bicycle Injuries: Cyclists Must Adhere to Rules of the Road
Bicycle ridership in Boston has soared in recent years. City officials in the 2013 Cyclist Safety Report noted that since 2007, the city has worked hard to become one of the country's top bicycle-friendly destinations. More than 60 miles of bike lanes and 1,000 bike racks have been installed. In 2011, the New Balance Hubway...
Read MoreConnecticut Personal Injury Accidents and How They Personally Affect People
When accidents happen in Connecticut and someone sustains a serious injury, the effects of such accidents can be devastating and far reaching. That's why it's important to understand the consequences of a serious personal injury accident if you or a loved one has been hurt in an incident caused by someone else. The first thing...
Read MoreHartford Kids in Danger of Car Accidents on Halloween
Halloween is one of the most popular holidays for kids, with 89 percent of parents indicating their children intend to participate in celebrating. The majority of kids - 73 percent - will be trick or treating, according to a survey on Halloween attitudes conducted by Safe Kids. Although many kids are going to be out enjoying...
Read MoreFacts about Football and Drinking Massachusetts Drivers Need to Know
Drinking is a part of football culture for spectators. While not all football fans consume alcohol while watching their favorite team play, many do - and some may choose to get behind the wheel after drinking too much. This can lead to an increased risk of car accidents when drivers make irresponsible choices. Facts...
Read MoreHow to Report a Boston Car Accident
Drivers in Massachusetts must have numerous types of insurance coverage, including liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and underinsured motorist coverage. Most car owners in Massachusetts have personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, but it is a benefit that can waived by the owner in order to get a lower insurance rate. PIP protection means your own insurer pays bills...
Read MoreHow to Report A Car Accident in Hartford
Car accidents are very expensive. Rocky Mountain Insurance Institute data shows the average auto liability claim for property damage accidents was $3,231 and the average claim for bodily injury was $15,443. Monetary losses of a collision are too much for most people to bear on their own. When injuries are serious or death results, the...
Read MoreWhat If You Are Injured In A Car Accident Occurring In A Highway Work Zone?
When a road needs major repair, a construction area known as a "work zone" is often created on the roadway itself so the work can get done. Work zones on roads under construction or undergoing routine maintenance can quickly create unanticipated changes in driving patterns. Unexpected driving difficulties may be encountered when driving lanes usually...
Read MoreVictims of Boston Fall Accidents Often Unable to React to Prevent Injury
Someone who has never experienced a fall down accident might falsely think there's something people can do to prevent such accidents. Unfortunately, most people can't react fast enough to affect what happens to them when they fall. As a result, the only way to prevent serious or even fatal injuries from falls is to make sure...
Read MoreConnecticut Case Could Shed New Light on Hotel Liability
Hotel accidents and injuries can have a devastating impact on guests who were hoping to simply enjoy a night away from home. Hotels are responsible for many different kinds of harm to guests. Hotels could be liable for injuries in swimming pools, in elevators or escalators that malfunction, for fall down injuries, and for injuries...
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