During the colder months in Massachusetts, drivers face many wintertime perils that pose a serious risk to pedestrians. Early sunsets make it more difficult to see pedestrians during the afternoon commute. Snow piles may get in the way of a driver seeing someone walking on the sidewalk where he needs to pull in. Black ice...
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Child Injuries and Side-Impact Collisions in Hartford
Side impact or T-bone collisions are among the most dangerous types of car accidents on roadways in Hartford and throughout Connecticut. The Association for Advancement in Automotive Medicine reports in a study where side impact crashes accounted for 19 percent of all collisions, these T-bone accidents were the cause of 32 percent of fatalities. Everyone in a side...
Read MoreChipotle Mexican Grill Norovirus Outbreak Raises Lawsuit Questions
In Boston, diners at several Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants fell ill after eating food served to them at the fast food chain. The serious incident raises questions about food safety and the potential liability of the business owner. The Chipotle illness outbreak started with diners in several Western states in late October 2015. They suffered...
Read MoreThe Driver Who Hit Me Doesn’t Have Insurance or Fled the Scene. Do I Still Have a Personal Injury Case?
Research shows that 1 out of every 7 drivers in the United States and about 12% of the drivers on Connecticut roads do not have auto insurance. It is not unusual for uninsured drivers to flee the scene of an accident fearing they will get in trouble with the police for operating a car without...
Read MoreWhat Cyclists Should Know About Massachusetts Bicycle Laws
Many people are leaving their cars at home in the driveway and choosing their bicycles to get them around town. But as bicycle commuting and touring becomes more popular, it is important to know the laws that must be followed when riding a bicycle on a city street or other public way. Just as there...
Read MoreCauses of Hartford Wrong-Way Crashes
In Connecticut, wrong-way driving crashes are a leading cause of head-on crashes. Connecticut Department of Transportation defines wrong-way crashes as accidents that occur "when a motorist enters the Interstate Highway in the wrong direction." Between 2009 and 2011 in Connecticut, an estimated five fatalities and 38 injuries occurred annually because of wrong-way drivers. With these...
Read MoreWhere Head-On Collisions are Most Likely to Occur in Boston
In 2012, 349 fatalities occurred in Massachusetts traffic accidents and another 4,384 people sustained serious injuries. Massachusetts Department of Public Safety reports there were 108,379 motor vehicle accidents. One recent crash in Massachusetts which cost the life of a mother and put a child into the hospital on life support demonstrates the damage motor vehicle...
Read MoreDangers of Posting on Social Media after an Auto Accident in Massachusetts
After a car accident in Massachusetts, many people are tempted to tell their friends and family what happened on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or other social media websites. But the reality is the information you share online could jeopardize your ability to be fairly compensated for your car crash in Boston, Worcester, Springfield or wherever your...
Read MoreUber Drivers – Are They Independent Contractors or Employees?
All over the country the question is being asked whether Uber drivers are independent contractors or employees of Uber, a company that connects riders to drivers through a smartphone app. This question has been posed in news stories that explore how courts are being asked to determine whether Uber drivers are, by law, independent contractors...
Read MoreCar vs. Pedestrian in Massachusetts: Who Owes the Greater Duty of Care?
Pedestrians are perhaps the most vulnerable road users in Boston. Typically, nothing shields them from the impact of a moving vehicle. These could be commuters, walkers, hikers, runners or anyone traveling by foot, wheelchair or stroller. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports there were 4,750 pedestrians killed and another 76,000 injured nationally in...
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