Every day in the U.S., 8 people are killed and another 1,160 are injured in car accidents caused by distracted drivers. In 2013, that amounted to 3,170 deaths and 431,000 injuries, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Law enforcement officials across Massachusetts sought to tackle this issue last month - April was...
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Understanding Your Massachusetts Auto Insurance Coverage
Make sure you're covered in the event of an accident Many motorists wrongly assume that if they're involved in a car accident, insurance will pick up the bill. That's why you have insurance, after all. Unfortunately, the reality is quite a bit more complex. Different aspects of your insurance policy cover different types of losses...
Read MoreRish v. Simao – Injuries in Low-Impact Car Accidents
Auto insurance companies routinely exploit the myth that "low-impact car accidents" - those that occur at less than 10 mph - cannot result in injuries. Adjusters will point to the speed of vehicles involved. They will highlight the minimal damage to the cars. They will note the lack of skid marks or the fact that...
Read MoreBagley v. Bagley – Woman Sues Herself in Husband’s Auto Accident Death
It is not unusual in many car accident lawsuits for the defendant to be someone with whom the plaintiff is close. In some cases, the defendant is even a household member - a spouse, a parent or grandparent. The point in these injury cases is not necessarily to collect damages directly from that individual (though...
Read MoreDefective Vehicle Can Turn Survivable Accident Deadly
There were more than 100 million vehicle recalls in the U.S. between January 2014 and May 2015 - including two of the largest vehicle recalls in history, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). At the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli, our Hartford car accident attorneys know that a defective...
Read MoreSocial Media Posts Used in Personal Injury Trials
A smiley-face emoticon. A picture of you grinning with grandma. A sizable friend list. These are all common and seemingly innocuous elements we might find everyday on anyone's social media account. However, as the Hartford personal injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli know, social media is increasingly being tapped...
Read MoreGores v. Miller - Use Caution Inking Car Accident Settlements
The majority of Hartford car accident injury claims end in settlement - most of those well before trial. What's more, a substantial number of injury claims are resolved in settlements before an injured person even has to file a lawsuit. That said, claimants must be cautious when entering a crash settlement agreement. Particularly if the...
Read MoreHartford Drivers Could Be Affected By Rising Death Rates in Car Accidents
Rising car accident fatality rates mean the roads are less safe for all motorists. Unfortunately, between 2014 and 2015, there was the biggest jump in fifty years in the number of people who were killed in motor vehicle accidents. The economic conditions which led to the dramatic rise in motor vehicle deaths in 2015...
Read MoreNew Massachusetts Laws May Help Prevent Bike and Pedestrian Accidents
Lawmakers weighing proposals to enforce sharing the road Over the past several years, bicycle and pedestrian accidents have been on the rise in Boston and throughout Massachusetts. Now, state lawmakers are considering new regulations to protect some of the most vulnerable people on the road. One such measure, known as the Vulnerable Users Bill,...
Read MorePedestrian Accidents to Spike This Year
A report released this week by the Governors Highway Safety Association is projecting the largest year to year increase in pedestrian fatalities since national records have been kept - anticipating more than a 10% increase in the number of pedestrians killed in traffic accidents compared to last year. There are a number of factors that researchers...
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