Car and truck commercials love to talk about crash ratings. We hear about them nearly every time a vehicle manufacturer shows up on our televisions. Sometimes the car is "highest in its class" or very selectively compared to a major competitor. They rarely, however, give more context than that, to help consumers understand where the...
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Winter Weather Is a Hazard for New England Drivers
The 2017-2018 winter season has, thus far, been defined by its fluctuations in the weather. The year started out with frigid temperatures and a recent bomb cyclone, which covered the entire East Coast in mounds of snow. Back in the fall, NBC Connecticut reported that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted this season to...
Read MoreNavigating Snow and Ice in New England This Winter
New England is known for its beautiful but brutal winters, and this year is no exception. All the snow and subsequent ice creates hazards on our roads and sidewalks. Just as drivers must take extra precautions when traveling through wintery conditions, pedestrians must also be cautious whenever walking over areas covered in snow and ice....
Read MorePokémon Go Launch Caused Staggering Amount of Car Crashes
It's common knowledge that you shouldn't text and drive, as you are putting yourself and others at risk. The mass adoption of mobile phones and texting also brought along increased efforts to prevent texting while driving. The hope was that those efforts would decrease distracted driving due to phones overall, but that may not have...
Read MoreHoliday Season Sees Spike in Deadly Crashes Caused by Drunk Drivers
The holidays are a time for celebration, and for many, this includes increased amounts of alcohol consumption. This increase in drinking is often accompanied by driving under the influence, according to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Holiday drinking is unofficially kicked off by what some call "Blackout Wednesday," the evening...
Read MoreUSDOT Releases 2016 Fatal Crash Data
2016 Fatal Crash Data Released Every year, the United States Department of Transportation analyzes traffic data and releases an annual breakdown of trends. Last month, the fatal crash data for 2016 was released, and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report, it shows an increase in all but two preventable types of...
Read MoreDOT & NHTSA Urge Seat Belt Usage for Thanksgiving
Connecticut DOT Launches Thanksgiving Seat Belt Campaign Thanksgiving weekend is one of the busiest travel periods in America, as millions enjoy the holiday with family all over the nation. All of that extra traffic increases the odds of auto accidents, however, and the NHTSA is working with the Connecticut Department of Transportation to encourage drivers...
Read MoreElder Falls Linked Rate of Auto Accidents
Falls by Older Adults Linked to Auto Accidents As we grow older, it remains important to maintain as much independence and social freedom as possible for our own well-being. This freedom relies on the ability to travel around one's community, and new research is shedding light on some factors that hinder that ability. One study...
Read MoreMarijuana Legalization and Car Accident Risk
Study finds no correlation between marijuana legalization, fatal car accident rates With marijuana decriminalized across Massachusetts and retail marijuana shops slated to open across the Bay State next year, many questions exist regarding the safety of drivers who get behind-the-wheel while under the influence of the drug. However, if recent studies serve as any indication, states...
Read MoreBicycle Accident Fatalities on the Rise on U.S. Roadways
The possibility of traffic accidents is a notable concern to bicyclists, who share the road with much of our traffic. As the weather begins to grow more hostile to the practice, one may expect to see fewer bicyclists on the road. However, according to a recent study released by the Governors Highway Safety Administration (GHSA),...
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