After a period of decline, pedestrian deaths from accidents involving SUVs have shot up by 81 percent in the last decade. The data was recently released in a report released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and reported by NBC News. One major question related to the data, however, is why the sudden increase...
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Road Rage & Aggressive Drivers A Summer Risk In Connecticut
Extra patience will be critical as the crowds arrive and orange road construction barrels blossom like wildflowers through New England's summer travel season. A recent article on highlighted the lethal risk of crowded summer freeways and short tempers. While relatively few of us are guilty of road rage, which is a criminal act of...
Read MoreKeyless Ignitions Have Claimed Lives
Recent years have seen many advancements in auto technology. Every new feature is designed to make driving easier and more convenient for consumers. However, convenience can come at a high price. In the last 12 years, 28 people have lost their lives and 45 have been injured as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning after...
Read MoreFinding Fault in Self-Driving Car Accidents
Ten current US senators have co-written a letter to automakers regarding the safety of self-driving vehicles. This letter comes after a self-driving Uber car in Phoenix struck and fatally injured a pedestrian, Elaine Herzberg. This was the first incident of its kind in the US. The car was in autonomous driving mode, though it had...
Read MoreMeasures to Prevent Wrong-Way Driving
Every motor vehicle accident is frightening; the physical, emotional and mental toll can be devastating. Perhaps no accident is more nightmarish, though, than one caused by a wrong-way driver. A driver suddenly is headed straight for you on the wrong side of the road. You have seconds, if that, to process the situation and react...
Read MoreTrampoline Parks A Rising Danger in Connecticut
Trampolines have been immensely popular for as long as they have existed, to the point where there are now places making a business out of having large trampoline structures in a building. Places such as Flight Fit n Fun in New Britain allow patrons the experience of performing jumps, flips, and tricks that may be...
Read MoreCourt Dismisses Bullying Claim in Massachusetts School
Schools in Massachusetts have a responsibility to protect students from bullying, either in person or through the internet. State law provides detailed obligations for schools to establish prevention and response plans, investigate claims of bullying, and intervene to protect victims. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, however, has ruled in favor of limitations that prevent schools...
Read MoreWhy Tire Safety Matters for Connecticut Drivers
An often overlooked part of car maintenance, tires are a vital factor in a car's driving performance and overall safety. If properly cared for, a tire can last for thousands of miles more than average, improve gas mileage and decrease the risk of being a safety liability. Investing in your tires can be a simple...
Read MoreMassachusetts Pothole Problem Increases this Spring
We see potholes frequently when we drive. They are scattered around our cities, on roads of all kinds, from small bits of missing pavement to large holes we have to swerve to avoid completely. We may complain about them or joke about them, and spend our summers trying to avoid congestion caused by road crews...
Read MoreWider Availability Of Car Safety Features Can Help Save Lives
In the tech industry, it's easy to observe the process of premium technology becoming cheaper and more accessible as new developments are made. This cycle is exemplified by the annual releases of smartphones, as old innovations, such as 4G and HD cameras, become standard features across the industry. Less talked about is how this cycle...
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