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Health officials: Vaping illnesses may soon reemerge

Vaping has been touted as a safer alternative than smoking traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes and vaping products have been scrutinized over the last couple of years due to the health complications experienced by users. Juul, the largest producer of vaping products, was placed under investigation after several injuries, deaths and other complaints regarding their products. The...

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How big a problem has distracted driving become?

Most drivers are aware that distracted driving is dangerous. Yet, every so often, the same people who condemn distracted driving find themselves checking cellphone notifications, talking on the phone or multi-tasking while driving. To find out how widespread the problem of distracted driving is, Insurance.com conducted a survey involving 1,000 participants. The survey asked how...

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Feds: Marijuana most common substance in trucker drug tests

Marijuana and cannabis-related products have been legal in Massachusetts for the last few years. While residents can obtain products from several shops statewide, they are urged not to drive after using them. Like alcohol, marijuana can cause issues that can potentially lead to a crash, including: Delays in reaction time Impaired judgment Use of marijuana can...

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The ‘100 Deadliest Days for Teens’ and Connecticut's reopening: A perfect storm?

Connecticut is easing coronavirus restrictions and reopening during the "100 Deadliest Days" for teens. Could this be a perfect storm? Fatal car accidents involving young people increase during the time between the summer bookend holidays - Memorial Day and Labor Day. According to AAA, more than seven people die every day during the summer on...

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Will collecting my own evidence after a car accident help my claim?

It's not uncommon for people to rely exclusively on police reports for evidence after a crash. A police report tells an unbiased side of the story. It involves physical details that indicate how a crash occurs, the environmental factors involved, and the behaviors of and statements from concerned parties. If any citations are issued or...

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Insurance companies send refunds during lockdown

Most people are spending less time on the road as they follow state-at-home orders or advisories during the COVID-19 pandemic. Less driving means fewer accidents. Fewer accidents means insurance companies are not having to pay out as much in claims. Citing a significant drop in car accident claims, some insurers have been offering refunds to...

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What should I do after a multi-vehicle car accident?

Car accidents involving three or more vehicles often lead to serious injuries and complex insurance claims. In these types of crashes, large vehicles, like 18-wheelers or delivery trucks, might be involved. A multi-vehicle crash means your car might be struck several times, with each impact causing a separate injury to the driver and passengers. Sometimes a...

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Can vaping increase my chances of getting a serious COVID-19 lung illness?

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading rapidly across the U.S. in recent weeks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), older adults and people with underlying health conditions are the most at risk of suffering severe illness. Another group that is at risk isn't mentioned by the CDC, according to CNN. That's...

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Can an attorney help me if I lost a loved one in a crash?

Far too many good, responsible people lose their lives on Connecticut roads due to reckless drivers. These are mothers, fathers, grandparents, sons, and daughters. Some drivers fail to take other's lives into account when they use cellphones behind the wheel, exceed the speed limit, weave through traffic, or drive while impaired. State crash data shows...

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